Friday, June 26, 2009

Br. Shubamrita Visit - Volunteers Required

As announced in the last newsletter, Brahmachari Shubamrita will visit Dublin 8th of July for an inspiring evening.

We need a lot of help to ensure that flyers are distributed to outlets where members of the public can find out about the visit. Ideally we are looking for a team of two people from each postal area in Dublin & surrounding counties to distribute leaflets.
The following types of outlets/locations are suggested:
Supermarkets, Bookshops, Health food stores, Credit Unions, Libraries, Farmers Markets & Markets, Chinese Medicine outlets, yoga & pilates centres, Complimentary therapists, Homeopaths. You can use your judgement to decide if a notice board location would work best on these locations or if a bundle of leaflets can be left near a point of sale.
Meet us at Grace’s house, Dublin at 11am Sat 27
th June to find out more and get the flyers: for directions contact Grace at If you can't come, let Grace know and let us know which area you would like to drop leaflets, how many leaflets you need and address details, so we can post them to you.
As we have just 2 weeks to publicise the visit we need to ensure that this information gets into the public domain quickly so your help is very much appreciated. We will need as many volunteers as possible.
In relation to visit of Shubamritaji I would be grateful if you could pass on this information to your friends and other people who would be interested in attending an evening with Amma's envoy the 8th of July. And please come along yourself! We are also looking for some volunteers to help with setting up the venue, serving refreshments, and clearing up afterwards.
For any questions please contact Grace on or on mobile 087-2214958

Sunday, June 21, 2009

July 19th: Another Date For Your Diary!

They might look like spacepeople, but actually they're GreenFriends wearing beekeepers suits, about to visit the beehives in our West Cork Amma garden recently.
To learn about bees, beekeeping, and to visit local hives, you're invited to our first Bee Day for Beeginners. It's 10am to 5pm on July 19th in West Cork. There are just a few places left, so if you'd like to come along, let us know soon - email us at

July: Dates For Your Diary

July 11th and 12th near Corofin in Co. Clare,
John near Corofin is happy to provide land to plant an ‘Amma woodland’, and as he has a lot of experience with planting trees, John will also be teaching us about tree planting and maintenance of woodland. So, come along for either day or for the whole weekend to learn about tree planting, visit woodlands that John has established there, plan our 'Amma woodland' and get some experience caring for trees by helping with maintenance of saplings. Bring a tent to camp onsite, or a sleeping bag to stay indoors (or book a b&b if you prefer). Let us know if you’d like to come: email .

We’ll also have Satsang while we’re there, will post time here once details are finalised. Come and sing to your heart's content :)
PS that's a pic of some woodland John has planted in Clare :)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Helping at the Integrated Amrita Meditation® Course

1o volunteers helped last weekend at the Integrated Amrita Meditation® course near Drogheda. What an uplifting experience it was, pooling energy and time with a joyful sense of common purpose, so that participants could receive this wonderful meditation technique, one of Amma's gifts to the world.

The next full courses in Ireland should be spring/early summer 2010, but meanwhile we hope to offer more Refresher courses for practitioners around the country. A Refresher course takes just a few hours: the facilitator guides you through the practice and is available to answer your questions. If you'd like to organise a Refresher course in your area, let us know at

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Satsang Cork this evening

Satang start time in Cork is now 7.45pm, so everyone has time to get there. This will probably be the last satsang at St. Luke's pending a house move, so we'll soon have a new venue - watch here for details! For this evening, call or text 0877556619 for directions.
Our drummer is on hols, so if anyone's got a spare drum and can play- you're very welcome to join us :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dublin GreenFriends / Community Garden

Following the May meeting organised by Val and Rob, Dublin GreenFriends now has a dedicated and dynamic team involved in developing Green projects in the Dublin area. Most recent news is that they've been offered the use of a site by Dublin City Council, with a view to setting up a community garden near the Sundrive Road.
If you're in the Dublin area and would like to get involved, email Val on

Wealth From Waste

Margaret in Nenagh and Ansuya in Cork are together starting a 'Wealth From Waste' plastic recycling project in Ireland, inspired by the Amritapuri example - see this Ashram report:
Inspired to join in? For more info, email us on
Meanwhile, to find original & very practical recycling ideas, check out this link:
For a very clear, step-by-step guide to making Plarn (yarn made from recycled plastic), which can then be woven or crocheted into useful stuff like bags, mats etc, follow this link:

Saturday, June 6, 2009

GreenFriends Cork - Amma's Garden

Our next GreenFriends Day at Amma's West Cork garden is Saturday 13th June. All welcome! We've got 4 beehives there now, as well as organic veg and salad beds that are coming along well, and we're learning traditional gardening techniques that nurture the soil's valuable micororganisms and natural balance.

It's also great craic, even when it rains :)

For more greenfriends info, email us on

Integrated Amrita Meditation® course next weekend near Drogheda

There are still places available on the Integrated Amrita Meditation® course next weekend near Drogheda. If you'd like info or to sign up, let us know at and we'll get back to you straight away. Beginners and Refreshers very welcome! Course starts Friday from 5pm, and ends Sunday with lunch at 1pm.
If you want a reminder of the benefits of meditation, have a look at the cool IAM website:

New Amma Ireland blog - stay in touch with Amma events in Ireland :)

If you're in Dublin today, go along to the Cultivate Centre in Temple Bar - there's an Amma Ireland table at the Yoga and Health Day there. Good place to pick up some inspiring Amma books (all profits to Amma's humanitarian work as always) and you can hear Vijay give a talk about Amma in Room 6.