60,000 bees in a hive - did you know that? Bees & Nature-friendly ways of beekeeping were the subject of last Sunday's Bee-Friendly day. We learnt all sorts of extraordinary facts about bees: like they never sleep, ever. And they can travel up to 1.5 miles from the hive and still find their way back -yet if the hive has been moved 4 feet from its original position, the bee can't find it: 2 feet no problem, but 4 feet and the bee is lost ... strange but true!
We had an amazing day! Loads of thanks to David for sharing his vast kno

wledge of, and respect for, the lives of bees with us. David has some hives at the Hollies in West Cork, the sustainable living community project where we held the day: thanks so much to everyone at the Hollies for hosting the event and welcoming us so warmly, showing us the gardens, the cob houses, inspiring us all with what a few people have done in a decade or so, to develop this amazing place.
We all got 'suited up' in beekeepers' gear and went off to visit the hives for real: a fascinating and most instructive experience, though terrifying for the first few minutes (will my suit really keep the 60,000 bees out??). Awe-inspiring too, when you see the active bees and the way they live in the hive.
To join us at the Amma garden hives in West Cork, or if you're thinking of beekeeping yourself or if you'd like to know about future Bee-Friendly days, let us know: