Friday, November 19, 2010

Table Quiz in Aid of Amma Ireland: let your friends know!

A table quiz is being hosted next Wednesday at Goatstown Cross in Dublin in aid of Amma Ireland, so we're passing the word along.
Why not make up a team with some friends and try your luck: it'll be great fun as well as raising money for a good cause, and we've heard there'll be great prizes on the night!
So the details are:
  • Wednesday 24th November 2010
  • 8pm sharp
  • at The Goat Pub, Goatstown Cross, Dublin 14
  • 10 euro per ticket - 5 people per table
For all info and to get your tickets, contact Grace: 0872214958 or
We hope you can be there!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Satsang in Cork this evening Thurs Nov 18 @ 7.45pm, Anglesey St, red door between fab Flowers and Lennox's, buzz third bell from the bottom.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Urgent! Vote For AMMA Ireland Videos

AMMA Ireland has submitted a video to the Better Together competition and there is a chance of winning a €3000 prize. Our videos have now been published and are visible to the public here:

Amma - Embracing the World

Green Friends Ireland and Cork Simon Community Garden Project

It is now up to you to vote for our video as often as possible (note: you can only vote for a video once a day from one computer.). Please take the time to vote and share the video with all your contacts. You can also use the various 'Share' options below your video to promote it to your Facebook page etc.

Voting Ends Tomorrow 5pm