Sunday, October 30, 2011

Spiritual Talk - Be Here and Now :: Admission Free

Practical spiritual wisdom, music and meditation to help you reconnect with your inner center of strength, peace and joy.

With Brahmachari Shubamrita, Admission free.

Date & Time: Wed 30th Nov 7pm
Venue: Stillorgan Park Hotel, Stillorgan Road, Dublin 18
Getting there: Bus routes 46A, 63, 84 and 145 stop directly outside the hotel.

Info: Tel 087-2214958 Email:

Click here to download flier PDF.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Amma Ireland North West Retreat

North West Retreat

Spiritual Weekend - Get Away from your worldly woes

12th-14th August

!!! A Day in the life of the Ashram !!!

Taking place in the beautiful Donegal in a space dedicated to Amma! Take a step out of your everyday life and relax and rejuvenate for the weekend. Unfortunately we can’t provide the Indian sun or our beloved Amma but we hope to generate some of the wonderful uplifting energy that is experienced at Amritapuri! Come down on Friday evening and stay through to Sunday Lunch and get yourself to fully immerse in Amma’s loving energy. Dormitory style accommodation is provided.

Retreat Details:
Friday 12th evening to 14th Sunday Noon.
A detailed agenda will be provided upon arrival, which may include
* Early morning Archana ( Chanting the 1000 Names of the Divine Mother)
* Yoga
* Meditation
* Bhajans (Devotional Songs)
* IAM Refresher
* Seva (Selfless service, e.g., food prep, serving, clearing, craft circle)
* Spiritual Music Workshop

Cost: €40 for the weekend

Early Bird Offer: Book Before 01 August for €30

Book Online at:

!!! Places Limited, Book ASAP !!!

For further information please contact Yvonne Deegan at

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Free Public Talk & Retreat with Br. Shubamrita

Br Shubramita’s programmes will be the closest we will get this year in Ireland to Amma's wonderful energy, and his topic 'Happiness is a Decision' promises to be very interesting and inspiring.

Evening Programme at Cork: Friday 8th July 7.30 pm
Venue: The Gresham Metropole Hotel, McCurtain Street

One-Day Programme at Dublin: Sat 9th July 10am-5.30pm.
Venue: St. Philips and St. James Church Hall, Cross Avenue, Booterstown.
Info: 087-3559983,,

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

IAM meditation lowers stress hormones

IAM—Integrated Amrita Meditation Technique lowers stress hormones, according to a study recently published in the 2011 volume of the international journal Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine (eCAM), published by the Hindawi Publishing Corporation. The five-year study, titled “The Effect of Meditation on Psycho-Physiological Variables,” examines the effect of IAM Technique on various psychological, physiological and biochemical parameters.

According to the study, practitioners of IAM Technique experience a reduction in stress-hormone adrenaline within 48 hours of beginning the practice. This reduction was shown to sustain in IAM Technique practitioners throughout the eight-month monitoring period accounted for by the study. The study also showed a decline in stress-hormone cortisol following eight months of practice. Other physiological results documented by the study include a significant decrease in the heart and respiratory rate of practitioners, as well as significant increase in IgA levels, which are associated with immunological benefits. Through the study’s psychological-evaluation component, a major change was also recorded in the attitude of practitioners towards ‘stressful events.’ This study was conducted by Ms. Vandana Balakrishnan (research scholar), under the guidance of Dr. Harish Kumar, Head of the Department of Endocrinology; Prof. L. Saraswathy (HOD); and Prof. G.K. Suseeladevi of the Department of Physiology, at the Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS) in Cochin. Prof. K.R. Sundaram, HOD, Department of Biostatistics at AIMS, provided the statistical support. The results of the study have given rise to further research, including a study on the effect of IAM Technique on relieving stress amongst cancer patients undergoing treatment, as well as the impact of the technique in relieving hypertension.

IAM Technique is taught free of charge throughout the world by representatives of the Mata Amritanandamayi Math (MAM), the non-governmental organization of renowned humanitarian and spiritual leader Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma). It comprises a combination of yogic postures, breathing practices and mental-concentration exercises. MAM has been teaching the technique to the public since 2003. In 2008, at the request of the Indian government, MAM began teaching IAM Technique on a widespread scale to India’s military and paramilitary soldiers. The technique is also being taught in schools and colleges throughout India, as well as to employees of businesses corporations, including Infosys, BSNL and IIM.
