Friday, September 25, 2009

Re-Enchanting the World

Babel is a GreenFriends France ecology/community project that's been running for a couple of years now with notable success. It's based at Amma's Ashram in France (you can see how beautiful the place is from the clip below) where people gather for weekends to learn and practice things like eco-building, beekeeping and lots more. So hey - why not go along and get involved?

To keep in touch with what they're doing, download the Feb 09 issue of their newsletter in English here or directly from the Magazine section on their homepage

GreenFriends Europe launches next April at the French Ashram and all Ireland GreenFriends are welcome :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Our first Skype Link-up for Satsang

Satsang is going on right now in Donegal and Galway - and Cork was linked in with Donegal via Skype for a while, so the entire country (almost) was singing together. Nice!
This was our very first trial with a satsang skype link-up in Ireland, all thanks to Simone and the intrepid Donegal group. It was lovely for us in Cork, a very special feeling of connecting across the country. Thanks for the idea, guys, let's do it again! We'll work on improving the sound quality and once that's ready, we can join up for national satsang evenings from all over Ireland :)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Amma Channel on YouTube

There's a great (official) Amma Channel on Youtube, check it out:
The clip of Amma's visit to Kenya this year is on it - really beautiful and inspiring - have a look :)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Amma Ireland @ Electric Picnic this weekend

"When a collective of people pour their heart, soul, energy, enthusiasm, vision and passion into a space, you can be sure that the experience will be both magical and alchemical. It comes from the heart, and is infused with love!" ... the Body & Soul area at Electric Picnic

Amma will be represented at this tranquil and meditative space at the Electric Picnic Arts and Music Festival which attracts over 40,000 people every year, in Stradbally, Co. Laois. Amma Ireland will host a welcoming information point near the Healing area in the Body & Soul section.

Information on many things including Amma and her humanitarian projects, Amma Ireland, GreenFriends, Amma Youth and much more will be available for people new to Amma and those who would like to deepen their present understanding. There will also be showings of Amma's DVD 'Embracing the World', an Amma altar, samples of GreenFriends produce, books on Amma to browse and much much more.

If you're travelling to enjoy the Picnic this year, be sure to drop by and say hello.
Call Susanne on 087-9682042 if you get lost trying to find us!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Youth In Action 2009 - Give Peace A Chance

"From 19th to 26th July, young people from all over Europe flocked to the M.A. Centre Germany to participate in the 5th annual European Youth Exchange. 'Give Peace a Chance' was the theme of the week, which for the third time was generously funded by the EU's 'Youth in Action' programme. Br. Shubamrita and Bri Dipamrita presided over the retreat. Through their witty and lively talks they provided the youth with spiritual insight as well as concrete, practical solutions to bring about peace in various areas of life.
The atmosphere was very joyful, warm and accepting. A unique spirit of togetherness prevailed throughout the week. For many participants, this was a week to experience the unity of hearts, beyond the boundaries of nationality, religion or culture, a week to explore the power and impact that a common goal and unified action can have. It was a week that proved that peace does in fact have a chance if only we stand together and dare to try...."

Many thanks to Simone for sending this report. These are just excerpts but you can read the full text on Simone is the Ayudh contact in Ireland, email her at for Ayudh info.

Enjoy the video clip below :)

World Peace March Ireland

Along with many other humanitarians and spiritual leaders, Amma has endorsed the World March for Peace and Non-Violence. This is the first ever World March that will travel the world asking for the end of wars, the dismantling of nuclear weapons and for an end to all forms of violence (physical, economic, racial, religious, cultural, sexual and psychological).
The March starts Oct 2nd in New Zealand - that's the anniversary of Gandhi's birth and as such, is International Day of Non-Violence - and ends January 2nd 2010 in Argentina.
Already, all sorts of great, locally-organised events are happening across the globe to help create a new, non-violent global consciousness. See to get an idea of the range of organisations and individuals supporting the World March, and find out what they're doing.

World March Ireland is the organising group here and they're putting wonderful energy, heart and faith into this venture. Amma Ireland has become a registered member with them, and we went along to support the Hiroshima Day event they held August 8th at the Kilkenny Peace Park. No pics I'm afraid (remember to bring your cameras, guys!!!) but have a look below at a video of the launch event they held in Kilkenny last March. We didn't know about the March yet at that stage so we weren't there but we're really encouraging everyone to go along to all future Peace March events in Ireland!
Have a look at for more info, and if you'd like to get involved, email Krisztina at

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

We're back!

It's been ages since we've had new news on the blog, apologies to all, people were travelling, couldn't get near an internet connection, etc etc... but we're back!!! So lots of news to fill you in on; keep watching this space :)