Thursday, September 10, 2009

Our first Skype Link-up for Satsang

Satsang is going on right now in Donegal and Galway - and Cork was linked in with Donegal via Skype for a while, so the entire country (almost) was singing together. Nice!
This was our very first trial with a satsang skype link-up in Ireland, all thanks to Simone and the intrepid Donegal group. It was lovely for us in Cork, a very special feeling of connecting across the country. Thanks for the idea, guys, let's do it again! We'll work on improving the sound quality and once that's ready, we can join up for national satsang evenings from all over Ireland :)


  1. You might like to take a look at this guide, which has some advice for getting the best possible sound quality on Skype - of course, I'm very happy to answer any questions you might have, too.

    Glad to hear your first time went well though :)

  2. Hey, thanks for link to the Skype sound quality guide! We'll try out some improvement tips and might get in touch if we've any questions. Thanks again :)
